Social Anxiety and Phone Phobia

Incoming call on a smartphone

How to cope with phone phobia and social anxiety

We all have experienced different fears in particular periods of our life. Unfortunately some of us seem to be more emotional and experience difficulties when we have to deal with our fears. The most common and severe consequence of this emotional fluctuation is expressed through anxiety and phobias. Even though that some of the fears that people experience may seem really odd to others or even unbelievable, they can be a real burden and often we don’t know how to cope with them.

Social anxiety and phone phobia

Social anxiety is one of the most common anxiety disorders. The statistic show that 13% of adults in USA have experienced social anxiety in their lives. It is a condition which often is mistaken with shyness but it actually goes beyond it. A person who suffers from social anxiety basically experience fear when is among other people and in situations of exposure. Often people with social anxiety fear that they will be embarrassed, they will do something that will be judged by others.

The basic explanation of the so called phone phobia is fear of making or receiving phone calls and this type of phobia is considered to be a type of social anxiety. The level of fear can range as people with phone phobia may feel anxiety when they have to make or receive calls or even when they hear the phone ringing. It is often related to fear of talking with others, feeling that the others are intimidating or threatening. Often phone phobia and anxiety can lead to anxiety attacks or are associated with them. This is due to the fact that in the ground of each phobia lays fear.

Most common symptoms of phone anxiety

Phone phobia may come with a variety of symptoms. Many of the symptoms are also associated with anxiety and anxiety attacks. This can include:

  • Nervous stomach
  • Sweaty hands
  • Trembling
  • Dry mouth
  • Palpitations
  • Shortness of breath
  • Hyperventilation
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What you can do to cope with your phone phobia?

Often like all the people who suffer from anxiety people with phone phobia avoid making or taking phone calls as this causes them a great inconvenience. Unfortunately this type of avoidance and attitude towards the problem only aggravates it. The fear that you will be embarrassed only builds stronger fears in you and traps you in a circle. Even though that all the social phobias and disorders looks like they cannot be overcame actually these are highly treatable conditions. Here are several simple steps that will help you to manage your anxiety when you have to receive or make a phone call.

What you can do to cope with your phone phobia?

Make a plan and write down everything

You can try to plan your conversation and write down what you are actually going to say over the phone. If you have scheduled a phone interview or important phone call just sit down and write the conversation. Of course it is not possible to predict everything that the person on the other side will tell but you can surely make a plan for the things that you will say.

Find a comfortable and secure place

If you are in a crowded place when your phone rings you might want to get out and seek for a quieter place. A phone call is already making you nervous and if you have to take it in front of many people maybe is not the best idea. When you are making your first attempts to overcome your fear you can try and sit down in your quiet room or some other place that you feel is secure and comfortable for you. You can also try to look at your favorite painting or sit in your favorite spot – whatever that normally helps you to relax and feel more secure.

Practice, Practice, Practice!

I‘m sorry to tell you this but overcoming anxiety or any kind of social disorder needs constant practice and work. The same is applied to your phone anxiety. You will have to practice as often as you can and that means every day. Start with simple things – order pizza, call stores for general information or call the local restaurant to see what their working hours are. In any of these cases the people on the other side of the phone will not understand who you are and certainly will not pay any attention if you mess up as they make hundreds of calls every day.

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Speak out loud what you want to say

If writing down your phone conversation do not help you there is an alternative way to rehearse it. You can try to speak in front of the mirror and actually say and practice the exact words that you want to say. Repeating the conversation several times will help you to relax and feel more comfortable and confident during the real conversation over the phone.

Smile and stay positive

One of the best ways to relax and take down the anxiety is to smile. Even though that you don’t see the person who you are speaking with try to smile during the conversation. Take a minute before making a phone call and try to smile and focus on the feeling that smiling gives you. Focus on something positive and dial the number. You will see that smiling helps you to feel more relaxed and takes the pressure away.

Next page: tips for coping with phone phobia. 

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