Useful Apps for Mood Tracking

How Tracking Your Mood Can Help You Cope With Your Anxiety

Living with anxiety is not easy and coping with it can be a real challenge. Luckily, there are many things you can try that will make managing your position easier.

The most popular techniques everyone can try include exercising, playing sports, meditating or practising yoga. Generally, if you are suffering from anxiety, you will need a serious change in your lifestyle and embrace a healthier way of living so you can relax properly.

Many therapists and professionals suggest keeping a journal or track your mood as a part of your therapy.

How Can Mood Tracking Be Helpful?

In many cases, the main problem with anxiety is that people are holding their emotions in or do not know how to express them properly. Anxious people typically tend to worry about what can go wrong or imagine that the worst can happen without any reason.

If you decide to track your mood and feelings, you can keep a record of all the anxious thoughts you have during the day. When you see your worries written somewhere it can be easier for you to see them clearer and actually understand that your worries are, in most cases, exaggerated.

With time your records can help you be more aware of your feelings and what causes them. You can spot whether you feel anxious in certain situations, or around certain people, and work to deal with the core reason.

How Can You Track Your Mood?

There are two ways to keep track of your moods: either on paper (notebook) or electronically. There are numerous apps available for your smartphone for tablet that make it easier to keep your journal with you no matter where you are.

Here are some of the best apps available for effective mood tracking:

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Platform: Available for Android and iOS

Cost: Android - $1.00, iOS - $1.99

This app is extremely easy to use and has numerous useful options. You can record all your moods and emotions, keep notes about your thoughts and feelings and what triggers them. You can also keep track of your medications and protect all your information with a password.


Platform: Available only for Android

Cost: Free

With this handful application you can track your moods, medications, add important details about your sleep habits. You can also check all your data in a chart and print it or email it.

T2 Mood Tracker

Platform: Available for Android and iOS

Cost: Free

This is an easy to use app that can show your data in a graph. You can track your feelings, moods, and habits, and personalize all your details. The useful thing with this app is that you can use back up so even if you lose your phone you will not lose your mood tracking journal.

Moody Me

Platform: Available for iOS only

Cost: Free

This is an easy to use and helpful application that has numerous options for you. You can track your moods and show them with pictures. You can record all your symptoms, moods, medications, and more. You can check all the data that you have collected in a graph form or check your 90-day trend line. You can also back up your data online and sync it in order to have access to it from multiple devices.

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